If you ever go to a group setting for a workout - or you workout with another person at the gym - you will notice that when the whole room continues to move, you will not stop. And if you do? You get back up and keep trying.
So, knowing this - you know that when you surround yourself around individuals who sit still - individuals with no momentum - you will more than likely lose your drive.
It is true, you are who you surround yourself with. Even if you don’t become like-minded right away, you will start to adapt to their energy and eventually become more like them.
Do not forget that it is harder to start something or to get yourself back up when you let yourself rest. That is just inconsistency.
It is harder to get a ball rolling than to keep a ball rolling. And once it does get rolling, it is smooth sailing from there, babe.
Law of motion - an object at rest will stay at rest. And an object in motion will stay in motion.
If you want more in this life & you want better for yourself - you have got to be willing to work and apply pressure.